Awards and Recognition

- Many experts on the same subject can work together in one compound and it is very useful.
- It is possible to do educational activities in addition to large medical colleges and government institutions.
- It is possible to operate approximately 355 days in each year since last 8 years.
- Although the leadership is not profit oriented, the service or business can be continuously smooth.
- The concept of sub-department has also been developed in various fields within dermatology.
- CME program has been conducted regularly with the participations of National and International experts.
- Public awareness program is continuing through audio video and print materials since its establishment.
- Computer knowledge system and skill should be used to update the records of the patient since the first day of the establishment. As per the need, we should analyze all facts of the hospital and help us to determine the future work schedule.
- For the first year of the operation, the provision of chartered account accounting auditor audits and the instructions received by the Directorate were considered as an Instruction. In the fifth year of the establishment, the Government of Nepal awarded DISHARC as the best taxpayer of this area in health.
- Most of the employees (including security) are still working and maintain their faith in the hospitals
- Two doctors are trained in abroad. One in dermatopathology from Switzerland and Pediatric dermatology from USA and both of them are providing expert service in DISHARC.