Hair Transplant in Nepal - DI Skin Hospital

Hair transplantation in Nepal has become a common procedure, ensuring a safe and trusted method to regrow hair, typically on the scalp. At DISHARC, we provide the best results in hair transplant in the country. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suchana Marahatta is the specialist doctor for hair transplants.

Before and After

When should i get a hair transplant?

The indications for getting a hair transplant are:

  • Male pattern baldness
  • Female pattern baldness
  • Reconstruction of eyebrow, beard, mustache
  • Selected cases of post traumatic and burn alopecia

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally, the cost starts from 40 NPR per graft. The total cost can be calculated only after your first consultation with the doctor.

The main transplanting process takes a few hours, but the exact time may vary. After transplant, first 2 weeks will be growing phase. All transplanted hair will grow. However, all transplanted hair will shade from 2 weeks to 3 months. After 3 months hair will again grow slowly. It will take one year to one and a half year for full results. One should take medications and other hair care steps as directed by the treating doctor.

Please visit us at DISHARC, Golfutar, Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu, Nepal.


Please call +977 01-4721500, 01-4721900 for appointment booking.

  1. Detail consultation and counseling.
  2. Hairline designing: This is the vital step for natural looking hairline. This is the crucial step for natural looking hairline.
  3. Planning the recipient area: This step include making recipient area wisely to have best distribution of the calculated grafts. It plays important role to have better density even with lesser graft numbers.
  4. Local anesthesia: To make the area numb. Local anesthesia may cause mild pain while injecting.
  5. Recipient site designing: The recipient site is designed using special cut to size blades. This is an important step to have natural looking hair transplantation.
  6. Extraction: Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using motorized punch. Punch only scores in the skin and loosens the hair root which subsequently extracted manually with forceps.
  7. Implantation: The grafts are placed in the pre-designed area. In most cases, grafts of various sizes are artistically placed in zones, in order to achieve the desired final appearance. Most grafts are “follicular units”, tiny grafts of 1-4 hairs which are transplanted directly.
  1. Spraying normal saline on the transplanted hair every one hourly up to 3rd day of transplantation and every two hourly until head wash.
  2. Frequent forehead massage after the transplantation in order to avoid forehead and eye swelling.
  3. Maintain upright head position, avoid forward bending.
  4. Avoid excess sunlight exposure, sleeping on the transplanted side, itching or scratching on the transplanted area.
  5. Diet: High protein diet, good amount of fluid intake and multivitamins as suggested by the doctor.
  6. Oral antibiotics and topical antibiotics, analgesics and antihistaminics are prescribed.

Online Home Consultation

DISHARC offers online home consultations through eSewa app, with Skype serving as the medium for online interactions. For queries regarding online consultation please contact +977 9802301424.